I am fascinated by nests,
fascinated by the process of gathering bits of the world
to create a space,
intricate and protected,
in which new life can be incubated, nurtured, taught to fly.

Our human form, physical and emotional, resembles a nest. 

What are we but bits of mud and fibers,
gathered over time, carefully layered,
as we continually take shape in the world?

And how is it that we create a space for new life to be born within us?
What makes it possible for us to cultivate new perspectives?

How do we piece together a shelter for the imaginative, 
experimental, vulnerable
to develop slowly deep within us?

It is a skill we must learn and practice, 
again and again, 
in every season of life.

The materials used for a nest depend on the bird and the environment.
Each nest referenced in this series belongs to a particular bird who builds primarily with mud.
Swallow. Red Ovenbird. Apostlebird.
Each nest can easily take a month for a pair of birds to build.

Similarly, each work in this series is made of clay slip and paper, 
built up piece by piece, layer by layer.
All while I was asking myself, 
If we create this sacred space, what surfaces and resurfaces?

