Unlock-Free the Old Prison of Chiayi City in 2022

Unlock-Free the Old Prison of Chiayi City in 2022


起源 |
設計理念 |

Origin |
The Chiayi Former Prison, built in 1919 during the Japanese colonial period, was later handed over to the Chiayi City government and transformed into Taiwan's only penitentiary museum. Its purpose is to allow every visitor to Chiayi to experience different historical contexts.
Design Concept |
Starting from the intention to change the public's negative perception of prisons, the design incorporates modern smart technology to "unlock" the former prison and transform it into a pathway to freedom. By utilizing interesting and humorous visual elements, an enchanting world within the former prison is created. Visitors are invited to embark on a real-life puzzle-solving experience, re-exploring the history and culture of the Chiayi Former Prison, and interacting with local residents within the prison's walls. Together, they will "unveil the mysterious veil of the old prison" and breathe new life into it.

Tendering unit|嘉義市文化局 Cultural Affairs Bureau, Chiayi City Government
Planning Unit |白水設計 Spout Design 
Executive Director|李金源 Lee,Chin-Yuan 
Creative Director|胡庭耀 Hu,Ting-Yao 
Main Visual Design|蔡文皓 Wen-Hao, Tsai ​​​​​​​
Unlock-Free the Old Prison of Chiayi City in 2022