Andy Corpio's profile

I AM a kitten, I AM special, I AM me

I AM a kitten
I AM special
I AM me


The pink kitten lived in a huge city full of  skyscrapers, highways and factories. Local cats and dogs didn’t accept him, because he was a differ. The danger was at every corner. So, one day at a road junction, he was almost hit by a car. After that, the kitten made the final decision to leave the city.
He ran as fast as he could until he found himself in the jungle. The wild forest surrounded him. He was mesmerized by its beauty. Suddenly, he saw a blue light and followed it deep into the forest.
The blue light led the kitten into a remote jungle where the rays of the sun didn‘t penetrate. He observed of incredible scene. 
The shaman-wolf performed his ritual dance. He was several times bigger than a kitten. His whole body was bent, his fingers were twisted, and he was glowing.
After finishing the dance, the shaman noticed the observer and headed in his direction. The kitten was afraid of the threatening figure and wanted to run away, but something forced him to stay in place. He thought: "What if this shaman will help me become different?". At the same moment, miracles began to happen.
Turning into a Hercules beetle, the kitten immediately got into a fight. One male attacked him, started throwing up his head and waving his huge horns. Soon, both of them opened their wings and flew up to the sky. The kitten had to fight back in order to protect himself, but he was not ready for cruelty. He realized that bug fights were not for him.
Finding himself in the body of a lizard, he mastered the ability to climb vertical surfaces. He was delighted with his new abilities. Climbing a tree, he felt hungry. A moth flew by and the kitten’s long tongue grabbed the poor insect in the blink of an eye. He was desperate, because he didn't want to hurt anyone. The kitten decided that the reptile's life was too cruel for him.
The kitten woke up in the body of a bat. The darkness was surrounding him and he was hanging upside down. There was a fuss going on around. He was in a huge pile of mice, where someone was sleeping, and someone was rustling and whispering. He immediately became scared, because he was afraid of the dark, but most of all he was afraid of large crowds, as they reminded him of the city which he escaped.
In his last adventure, he found himself in a nest. A magnificent tropical bird towered over him, it had a sparkling light green eye and a tuft. He admired this creature, and then looked at himself. His body was bald and monochrome. The kitten was upset because he did not know that he was just a unfledged bird. Then he thought: "That's enough, I want to go back!".
Returning to the real world, the kitten finds himself in a shaman's hut. He despaired because he couldn’t find a suitable life for himself. Then he asks the shaman for his last wish - to turn him into the creature he thinks will suit him. The shaman performs the ritual and releases him.
Going to wander through the forest, he hears sighs of admiration coming from somewhere above. He looks up and sees a flock of monkeys pointing fingers at him. The kitten thinks:
"I wonder who the shaman turned me into, that even monkeys, who usually make fun of others, admire me?".
The kitten went to the nearest pond and looked curiously at his reflection in the water. Here are his big eyes, thin long paws and elegant tail. "But how is that possible? How can they like me?". Suddenly the kitten realized that he was loved for what he is. He admired himself and his pink color. More than that, he found home.
Since then, the kitten has become the pink King of Animals and all animals considered him a myth.
I AM a kitten, I AM special, I AM me

I AM a kitten, I AM special, I AM me
