This project is a zine which is about independent film festivals. For the cover, I decided to do something that will indicate for which festival the issue is. Therefore, for instance, for this issue I illustrated the chick of the If Independent Film Festival which is the identity of “If” this year. Secondly, for the name of the zine, I choose the word “Pileus” which is the name of a hat that Roman citizens were wearing in Saturnalia festivals. In these festivals, slaves were also wearing that hat so that everybody was considered equal during the festivals:
“Romans of citizen status normally went about bare-headed, but for the Saturnalia donned the pilleus, the conical felt cap that was the usual mark of a freedman. Slaves, who ordinarily were not entitled to wear the pilleus, wore it as well, so that everyone was "pilleated" without distinction.”
As independent films usually address the issues of gender and race discrimination, I thought this name would be appropriate. And it would give a good message to the audience.
Another thing is that I used vertical type in the names of the films and in the quotes, because as independent films are independent from the traditional or Hollywood kind of films and their traditions, I wanted to express this feature visually, because vertical typing is not a traditional way of writing. 
All of the illustrations used in this zine are drawn by me with using tablet.
Pileus Zinefy

Pileus Zinefy

This project is a zine which is about independent film festivals.
