Character Name: Lyra Gender: Female Size: Lyra is of average height, around 5'6" (167 cm) and has a slim build with a slightly athletic build. 
Era: Lyra lives in a futuristic world, set in the year 2200. Clothing: Lyra wears a sleek, form-fitting jumpsuit made of a lightweight, high-tech material that conforms to her body. The jumpsuit is primarily black, with accents of deep purple and silver. The suit has built-in technology that allows her to control various gadgets and devices with simple hand gestures. She wears a pair of high-tech boots that are also black with silver accents and allow her to move quickly and silently. She carries a small cross-body bag that is made of the same material as her jumpsuit and can expand to hold various tools and gadgets. 

Hairstyle and Features: Lyra has short, spiky hair that is a bright, almost neon blue. Her eyes are a deep, dark brown and she has sharp, angular features that give her a somewhat fierce appearance. She has a small, discreet tattoo of a star on her left wrist. 

Personality: Lyra is a highly skilled and intelligent operative who works for a secretive organization that specializes in espionage and sabotage. She is confident, determined, and fiercely independent, but can also be quite cynical and distrustful of others. She has a dry senseof humor and a quick wit, which she uses to diffuse tense situations. Despite her tough exterior, she has a strong sense of justice and will go to great lengths to protect those she cares about.

