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Carinder, Car Subscription Service Platform branding

Carinder, Car Subscription Service Platform
New Brand Identity and Web Design

March - May 2022

Carinder is a platform service that can be used by anyone regardless of credit rating and income quintile, and is a car subscription service brand designed to give credibility to blue colors and improve service understanding by utilizing various design assets.
Brand Name

carinder symbolizes the goal and direction of the platform by using a combination of words such as Kind, in, and the, and captures the value of the philosophy behind it.
Key visual

carinder uses gray, blue, and black key colors to target low-credit people, but it aims to improve their lifestyle so that they can recover and grow, and uses a symbol logo that means creating a stable life with typo.
Brand Core Values & Essence

The core value of carinder represents the attitude and confidence toward consumers who provide brand services to their customers. carinder also provides the right and optimized vehicle rental services for low-credit and low-income earners, creating a step toward an improved lifestyle.
Carinder, Car Subscription Service Platform branding

Carinder, Car Subscription Service Platform branding
