Within … Beyond Borders, a travelling group 
How to Escape the Matrix
This morning, I had four arguments before leaving my bed. All of them happened in my head, and none of them ever became reality.
1) Escape from bad people
Memory disturbances are recognized as part of the diagnostic criteria for PTSD and are common among people with the condition. Some people struggle with memory loss surrounding the traumatic event itself. Others have difficulty forming new memories after the event. Bad people will give other people a hard time. Kind people who will becomes defenseless. And we probably in the end get the decease Alzheimer.
2) Escape from loud sound
We function best when we start from stillness. We formulate a sharp plan of action, then set out to see it through – but if our brain is already overloaded before our day begins, we won’t stand a chance. There’s too many people who shout in anger and fear. They don’t listen to the heart.
3) Escape from episodes of conspiracy
Once you fall down the digital rabbit hole, you’ll find infinite conspiracy theories vying for your attention. “Veganism is bad! Capitalism is good! The earth is flat! Covid doesn’t exist!” 
What they all share is a sense of urgency: “Don’t believe their lies! Wake up! Escape from the Matrix!” Ironically, they are the epitome of the countless kinds of magnets pulling you in.
4) escape all technology
We must put our phones down to escape. The human brain is easily overloaded as is. Walk through a big city, and feel your senses crumble. That rarely happens in nature, so most of us are overwhelm by just being present.
Sometime I wasted people will be more reflective. ….
Sometimes you meet people who are so difficult to work with. ….
They are wrapped up in their own world, and will never listen to what you say. 
They have so strong Lise that they can’t see the logic or the right solution. 
The lack of empathy will destroy the world. 
We have to start to listen more to each other, even though we don’t agree with it which each other.
May the God of force that you believe in be with you, we truly need forgiveness and hope
Within Beyond Borders


Within Beyond Borders

Private equity
