Thesis project 2010
degree show
This is my thesis project at the national college of arts Lahore. this was one of the most difficult projects to come up with because it was really hard for me to come up with some thing that was worth making art about so i spent six months going around the city sketching, photographing and absorbing. So finally the thing that hit me was the male dominance in our society. this was the one thing I felt strongly about i decided to make collographs (technique of printmaking). I made the collograph out of the female clothes but the irony was that the very delicate feminine textures when printed made masculine men that dominate the society. My basic concept was how the presence of women in our Pakistani society is always over shadowed by the presence of men in their life.
"Char dewari"
"Tick tac step on my toe"
"take a walk in my shoes"
iron armature and cloth
the thesis project

the thesis project

this was my thesis project for my degree show for my bachelors in fine arts.


Creative Fields