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water recycling for car wash

Buy Equipment for Water Recycling for Car Wash From Aqua Bio Technology

A water reclamation system filters and treats used water to make it suitable for reuse in the car wash. This will reduce the amount of freshwater needed to run the water recycling for car wash, and can significantly reduce the overall water consumption of the business. Sand and Grease separators: Grease and sand separators help to separate out the heavier contaminants from wastewater, allowing the clean water to be reused in the car wash. Flocculent Dispensing Systems: Flocculent dispensers add special chemicals to wastewater, which causes small particles to clump together and settle to the bottom, making them easier to remove. Settling Tanks: Settling tanks allow heavier particles to sink to the bottom, from which they can be manually removed or siphoned out using a pump. Filtration Systems: Filtration systems are designed to remove microscopic particles from the water, making it much cleaner and suitable for reuse. UV Disinfection System: An ultraviolet (UV) disinfection system is used to treat wastewater, killing any contaminants and bacteria that could threaten the health of customers.

water recycling for car wash

water recycling for car wash
