Passion in everydays

It shows the fundamental life force of a person, what drives it, and leads life forward! Desires, passion, what a person wants to show to the whole world, no matter how.
The red base is passion obscured by formality. These formalities are a black circle, its shape is due to impartiality, and strict, equal treatment for everyone.

The white background represents the world around, and the white triangle represents that part of the world that affects the passion of a person. For example, life, society, global events, they are always different, but they always exist.
And that causes glitches, interference on the red, creative core.

Like the dark figures below, these are other formal acts not related to work, but which pervade society.
But even so, part of the passion will overlap everything! What drives a person will always find a way to show itself and change the world!
Passion in everydays

Passion in everydays


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