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Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire: Cover Three Ways

Book Covers Three Ways: Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire
3 separate book covers

For this project, I designed three different book covers, but for the same book. I based my designs on the plot of the books as well as inspiration from the target audience research that was conducted. Each book cover design is unique and representative of the book within a certain genre. 

The book I chose to create covers for was "Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire". I chose this book because it covers a lot of possible genres and the plot allowed for creative ideas and approaches to representing it. I took influence from target audience mood boards that we created to research as well as general mood boards of covers within the genres I wanted to create. I chose to create an Adult Fiction Cover, Adventure Cover, and Romance cover. 

Adult Fiction Cover
Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter is widely known as a children's book, but many adults still enjoy reading it. I wanted to create a cover for the book that represented it in a more refined and established way. I pictured something that could be collectible and seen as a more adult fiction-style book than what Harry Potter is commonly known for. Within my cover, I hid imagery from elements of the book and plot that I built out using Adobe Illustrator. The story includes dragons, mermaids, and fire which can be seen within the cover through subtle interpretation of those important story elements. The designs are in gold-leaf to give it a more refined adult look.
Final Execution

Adventure Style Cover
Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire
A big part of the plot within this book is a Tri-Wizard tournament where three wizards compete in competitions in order to bring their school victory. This part of the book brings a sense of action and adventure, so that is what I tried to portray in this cover. I painted small gouache paintings that portrayed elements in the story and hand-lettered the "Harry Potter" within the title. I wanted it to have a colorful and more rugged look to this cover to get a sense of action and adventure.
Final Execution 

Romance Cover
Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire
This book is a coming-of-age book for some of the characters within. New love interests start to bloom and within the book, one of the important events is a large ball held in honor of the tournament that is going on. It is a warm and enchanting event that gives this book a romantic feel at points, because of the growing relational interest that partakes. For this cover, I wanted to create something romantic that depicts this ball scene. 
Final Execution
Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire: Cover Three Ways


Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire: Cover Three Ways
