Mois du Numérique

Coordinated by the Saint-Brieuc Armor Agglomération, the Digital Month is an annual event held in April across the 30 libraries of the Bay Libraries network. Its aim is to raise awareness among the youth of the territory about digital issues, with the theme of History for the 2023 edition. The festival's visual identity should reflect the theme's questioning and be used in information booklets, posters, etc.
Inspirations :
Re-appropriating History
The event's graphic identity combines the three visual inspirations, applying the graphic codes of current music and digital culture to the raw material of archive photographs. The combination and montage of these resources create a graphic collection that will be at the heart of the event's communication objects.
The History We Write
The poster's visual shows a layered work where the strata of history are represented by the superposition of images that are almost tactilely discovered one under the other. The succession of images represents the dialogue of the past, present, and future that make history.
The freehand tracings are linked to the tactile dimension of the digital medium, on which we draw, leave a trace, reveal a previous image... Written by hand, #Histoire[S] suggests that everyone writes history, in their own way.
Mois du numérique


Mois du numérique
