“From the life of angels”
Director, screenwriter, artist - Fedor Yudin
Composer - Alexey Prosvirnin
Animators - Anna-Maria Chernigovskaya

 A peculiar world of Paul Klee's angels unfolds before the viewer. In it, the elders protect the younger ones and build a safe and cramped world around them. But what happens if you get out of its aisles?
The film was inspired by the work of Paul Klee. In his naive characters, I saw the narratives of family relationships. I imagined how they would develop and gradually it developed into a separate living world. I scanned Paul Klee's pictures from the album collection and used his original drawings for animation. I also want to include scenes of flying and playing with volumetric space in my film. I tried to use the 3D model for the background but this idea was unsuccessful. The movement of the drawing charter disconnected with realistic 3D space. That's why I decided to draw a background relying on the feeling of flight. Animator Anna-Maria Chernigovskaya worked on backgrounds. She tried to сatch movement of the charter in space. 
It is a digital drawing film. But to keep the feeling of a living drawing, I used the effect of total animation. I tried to make it close to the original Paul Klee's drawings.

I’m fascinated by baroque music. Composer Alexey Prosvirnin creates the synthetic baroque soundtrack for this film and I feel that perfectly connects with this film.
Animation film


Animation film
