Alice in Wonderland
Costume & Stage Design
Summer 2013, Saskatoon, Canada
An Independent theatre company Sum Theatre brought people together through
non-traditional live theatre production of Alice in Wonderland.
Theatre in the park. 
A whole corner of the park is transformed into a stage,
as actors use the natural beauty of the park to tell their story.
At the 2013 Saskatoon and Area Theatre Awards,
Sum Theatre was awarded a special Juror’s Award for Innovation.
I was honoured to work with incredible people. 
I had many challenges throughout this project,
but they were the best part of work process. 
Creating costumes and stage props (let's face it there was no stage)
for one my favourite book of all time was incredibly fun! 
Nothing was more rewarding then seeing my designs come alive
and put smiles on so many faces!
photo credit: B. Johnathan Michaels, Matt Ramage
Alice In Wonderland

Alice In Wonderland

Costumes & Stage Design for original adaptation of Alice in Wonderland.
