Broken Hill - May 2014
I went to the Broken Hill Art Exchange for an artist's residency with the intention of working on a variation of my current art, recreating what I saw with timber. I spent time exploring the city and the surrounding country and my focus changed. I discovered lots of fascinating bits and pieces lying around and completed the following installations featuring found objects. It was a very stimulating three weeks and this exhbition, for me, captures Broken Hill and the surrounding area.
Poles apart (2104) Metal caps. 160x150cm
18 days in Broken Hill (2014) Mixed media. 80x130cm
Broken Hill Art Exchange Gallery view with Pans, bowls and pots; Poles apart; Outside bones (2014)
Broken Hill Art Exchange Gallery view with Couples; Full of nothing; Love bird; Broken Hill, view from Block 10; Washing day (2014)
Washing day (2014) Found wire, railway pegs, tin. 90x240cm variable
Broken Hill

Broken Hill

This exhibition held at Broken Hill Art Exchange was my response to the city and surrounding area following an artist's residency.


Creative Fields