Miniature Portraits 
My miniature portrait journey began in 2017 when hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, leaving us without electricity, water, and changing almost everything about our routines and lifestyle.
Needing to move on , in what felt like my first adult crisis, I came up with this way of making my art and some cash for the everyday needs. 
The idea of them being miniature was in relation to my signature , the ant. 
Since it was an ant making them , they had to be tiny.

The first portraits were drawn in front of my favorite coffee shop, Punto Medio, and some local shops. 
Through the years the portraits have taken me to weddings, birthdays, gatherings and events.

More than just drawing what is in front of me , the portraits give me a way of connecting with people in a more intimate way , were I get to look at them and capture their uniqueness, the essence. 

The portraits are drawn in earthy kraft paper around 1.5 x 2.5 inches,
My main colors are lilac, sienna, black, green or blue and some warm accents.
The five pictures above were taken by Grace Lucca , @grace_lucca on instagram
Miniature Portraits


Miniature Portraits


Creative Fields