Naomi wiberg's profile

"Retro Revival: Flare Forward"

"Retro Revival: Flare Forward" (Retro Revival: Moving Forward with Style). This name evokes the retro inspiration of the '70s and the focus on flared pants, but it also conveys the idea of taking that distinctive style forward in time with a contemporary twist. It reflects the fusion of nostalgia and modernity that characterizes this collection.

This collection evokes the spirit of the 70s through a series of drawings, ideas and sketches. Each design captures the energy and signature style of the era in a unique and creative way.

The color palette used is a combination of retro and contemporary tones, creating a fusion of nostalgia and freshness. From earthy colors and pastels to bold, saturated hues, this range of colors reflects the diversity, energy, optimism and individuality that defined the '70s now reimagined.

Prints and patterns are an essential part of this collection, from the iconic psychedelic prints to floral, geometric and abstract motifs, each design is inspired by the artistic experimentation and freedom of expression that characterized the decade.

The silhouettes of the garments are varied and play with different lengths, volumes and shapes. Some designs can be more form-fitting, while others can be loose and flowing, the diversity of styles reflects the versatility and individuality of the fashion of those years.
Flare pants designs fit current trends, using modern fabrics and contemporary details. Silhouettes can vary, from slim-fit flares that slim through the legs to looser, more flowing designs that create a more laid-back, laid-back look.

In addition to flared trousers, this collection includes a wide range of garments that complement each other, From modern cut blouses and shirts to versatile structured jackets, each piece has been redesigned to fit contemporary aesthetics.

These drawings and sketches form the basis of an imaginary collection that pays homage to the bold and creative spirit of the 1970s, they are a source of inspiration for designers and fashion lovers who want to capture the essence of that unique era and convey it through their own creations.
"Retro Revival: Flare Forward"


"Retro Revival: Flare Forward"
