The other No matter how you are rooted in your opinions and thoughts, or drown by a narrow self-centered vortex of ideology and culture, if you have the will and the desire to breakthrough your mainstream discrimination, you will be able to feel, understand and connect with the other. As humans, we are chained by properties that arise while growing up. So, we should cling to the spark of curiosity that every philosopher and child has. We should be aware of the oneness of different people that deeply emerges with the speculation of "A Universe Within", that the other human is me born in a different place and time. most of our properties are acquired from the environment and experiences we confront through life time. and the alienation is brought about by the isolation from the different societies by the materialistic boarders and conceptional intolerance. And all is caused mainly by ignorance. the rise of the awareness about the other is just as the renewal of the venue. You light a candle that cracks darkness, and clean the mind and heart from profound ignorance, then make that place crowded with diversity and possibilities like some island in Friday.
A universe within


A universe within
