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Hell Yeah! A visual reinterpretation of Dante's Inferno

Hello folks, I'm Dante Alighieri. 
The greatest Medieval poet and the Divine Comedy is my masterpiece. 
Please follow me in my journey through Hell.
In the middle of the journey of our life I found myself through a dark forest.
But a leopard, a lion and a she-wolf blocked my way...
Perplexed, I looked around me.
"That way you cannot go up," says a voice. 
It is the Latin poet Virgil.
I will help you with your journey."
Captain Charon ferries across the river the souls of the dead who have just arrived. I warn him that I am not dead and ask him for a ride.
Descending into the second circle, we are in the presence of carnal sinners, the creatures who committed sins of lust. Thrown carelessly into darkness by winds of unprecedented violence. Virgil asks me if I know the famous sinners here.
I am struck straight to the heart by Francesca's sad story.
Francesca was married to an old man who caught her in the arms of his young brother, Paolo: "Amor condusse noi ad una morte."
Not only are they killed, but for eternity they will remain in the second circle of Hell.
Overwhelmed, I faint.
I revive in the third circle, the place where the gluttonous are punished as they deserve. These souls overindulged in food, drink, or something else in their lives. Their punishment is to wallow in disgusting mire created by eternally falling rain.
We enter the fourth circle of hell, here avaricious and prodigal find their punishment. The sinner, whether stingy or wasteful, suffers the pains of hell.
The two sets of souls push rocks in opposite directions in a circle. 
When they come to collide they reverse direction.
We descend into the fifth circle, the wrathful and the sullen suffer in the Styx river. In the river are the wrathful sinners, all naked and muddy, wrestling each other. While the sullen are submerged in the muck. 
The only sign of them, are the bubbles rising to the surface.
Having passed the Styx with the help of the helmsman Phlegias, we arrive at the gates of the sixth circle of hell. Here the Three Furies summon Medusa. 
If I were to look at her face I would be petrified.
But Virgil prevents me from staring at Medusa's head.
We see graves surrounded by flames.
Among the graves of heretics are those of Epicureans who do not believe in eternal life. I see Farinata Degli Uberti, my fellow citizen of Florence.
We have already arrived in the ninth circle, time flies when having fun.
This area is called Caina - from Cain slayer of his brother Abel - and is home to those who betray their relatives. Part of Lake Cocito, here sinners are eternally trapped in the frozen lake.
Here we are in Lucifer's company.
We leave Hell by descending down Lucifer's body...
At some point the world turns upside down and we find ourselves going up.
After passing through Hell, this forest no longer seems so dark...
Hell Yeah! A visual reinterpretation of Dante's Inferno


Hell Yeah! A visual reinterpretation of Dante's Inferno
