The challenge

The challenge was to design a mobile app to serve as an audio guide for visitors to a Madrid-based museum showcasing football and soccer memorabilia with a rich history around the sport.

Part of the challenge was the lack of clarity and consensus around the features we will include in the scope for version 1.0 of the App.
Research process

First, our team required the definition of the features to include, and I needed it to start with the design process.

My suggestion to the business team was to schedule a Big Room Planning session, on that session all the stakeholders contributed their ideas for the first list of features that we will include on the MVP, and the rest of the ideas were arranged for future releases.

With the list of features ready, set, and approved by my clients, I was able now to start with the design process. 
Wireframes and general structure

As part of the goals for this App, I want to create a flow and a general experience, that doesn't force the user to stay a long period looking at their screens, and, more focussed to accompany and complement the visit to the museum for each user.

The wireframes on the proposal helped me to create a quick flow that easily let you explore different paths to switch across alll the collection items, and quickly consume al the complementary contents for each collection item.

Thanks to this part of the process I could ensure that the entire elogic inside the App, matches thee goals for the museum visitor, and the business team.
Final result

Our first MVP got ready on time and shape, all the features on our scope got includede on a very friendly way for the user, and everthing got achieved respecting all the guidelines set for the museum. Eveerything was reeady to start testing the App, part of the recomendations was to install and set Hotjar, to start monitoring the user's behaviors, and make improvements around to product.


