Olivia Johnson's profile

AccessAbility: VCD7 Case Study


Up to 1 in 4 Americans live with a disability, and of this estimated 61 million disabled people, 10.9% have an intellectual disability and have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, and making decisions. Additionally, 6.4% live with an independent living disability and have trouble completing tasks and doing errands alone. On average, 92.3% of people with disabilities live at home, either by themselves or with others, rather that at care facilities. This means that in in the case of those with intellectual and independent living disabilities, the care of those individuals falls on their family members and parents.

Parents and caregivers of individuals with disabilities undergo significant stress due to the demands of caring for their family member. Studies have shown that mothers of autistic adolescents or adults have the same stress levels as soldiers in combat. Many are often exhausted and depressed, and some experience financial stress from medical costs or the inability to work due to the care needs of their family member. One key pain point identified by both adults with disabilities and their parents or caregivers is when the disabled individual is left home alone. How can we empower disabled adults and adolescents to stay home alone and in the process reduce some of the stress their parents and caregivers undergo?

A new digital application that prioritizes the independence of individuals with disabilities and peace of mind for their parents and caregivers. Features include task reminders and messages of encouragement that can be created in advance and delivered at set times and notifications when reminders have been marked as completed by the disabled individual. Additionally, individuals with disabilities can send asynchronous video messages back and forth with their friends and family and get in direct contact with their parents or caregivers in the event of emergency.

2023 | VCD 7: Interaction Design | Olivia Johnson

Photographs and videos taken by Olivia, Beth, and Don Johnson and from unsplash.com
Audio from pixabay.com
Icons modified from iconfinder.com
Apple UX elements modified from https://app.gumroad.com/d/73bd3f74650d6c30e1b19cf9e3052c81 

The following image is a compilation of the brand system used in the design and development of this interface
AccessAbility: VCD7 Case Study

AccessAbility: VCD7 Case Study
