Andjela Milakovic's profile

Personal Branding - ANUMI


Personal Brand name. It represents me as a designer. 
The name is combination of my name and surname.  

Typography is from 3 geometric shapes. 
Rounded corners-“friendly rectangles” evoke warmth and trust.

Symbolism - Sun/circle represents a sunny personality. It’s a symbol of life 
and positivity. Moon shape stands for feminine energy, intuition, and kindness. 
Rectangle means stability, balance and structure in design.

The wordmark can stand by itself. But I wanted a part that shows
my illustrative side. My illustrations are simple and linear. 

I enjoy observing and listening to nature. Nature calms my mind and excites my senses. 
My biggest inspiration lies right there. So I made geometrical character in that crucial 
moment of observation.

Personal Branding - ANUMI


Personal Branding - ANUMI
