Nicholas Peterson's profile

Elaine Lustig Cohen: A Pioneer in Graphic Design

When I began this project, I didn't have much knowledge on how a book should be formatted or presented when discussing another artist. But after working on this for a few months, learning different techniques and methods to improve the structure, this book was quite the learning experience. While it did take time and multiple iterations and changes throughout the process, I am confident in the final product and how it presents itself.

The purpose of this project was to take the information from articles and pages of Elaine Lustig Cohen's website and compile them into an informative book about her experience and craft. I was also given the restraint of using images from the website and any official material that included Elaine's art. While this was limiting to some degree, it also allowed me to improve in my placement of the text and imagery. But all of the information and images used within this project belong to Elaine Lustig Cohen and any other materials are owned by their respective publishers.
Link to Blurb Page, and Link to Flip Book
The idea behind the cover was to appear similar to Mrs. Cohen's style of book jackets. What I gathered from them was that the majority of them were minimalist in design and contents, which is what I was going for. I also included her artist statement on the back as an ode to her and her work.​​​​​​​
Elaine Lustig Cohen: A Pioneer in Graphic Design

Elaine Lustig Cohen: A Pioneer in Graphic Design
