Crystalline Rose is a beauty company specialising in the sale of skincare-related products and nothing is more important than empowering women, sick and tired of seeing the same old cliches in every beauty brand. They believe there are so many aspects to being a woman – more than just pink, glitter, and butterflies - so they want to show that you don’t have to fit into a stereotype to be a woman and be beautiful without resembling those old cliches.
"When I think of Crystalline Rose, I think soft, gentle, and light." This is the phrase that most symbolised Crystalline Rose, because in just a few words it expresses what the brand wants to communicate: femininity without being cliché. The design I wanted to propose is exactly this. Also, I’ve been careful to give it a delicate and approachable, yet luxurious image that can capture the consumer’s eye. I thought about a simple and minimalist logo mark with a flower on it that resembles a rose with soft and morbid petals. For the colours, I got inspired by Earth’s colours. The brand, finally, has a tempting look, it’s feminine and with an eye towards the past to give off elegant and timeless vibes.
Instagram: @mors.iudices
Crystalline Rose


Crystalline Rose
