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Most londoners likes hanging out together after work, drinking beer. This photo was taken at at pub near waterloo. Crowding outside the pub, putting their suitcase and bags on the floor, with a cup of beer in their hand, this is a common sight you will see in london after their working hours. 
this is one of my favorite photos, i took this photo when i was walking to trafalgar square and happen to see the London taxi beside the red telephone box. Hence i took this photo as its kind of rare. I added filters to it so as to create an artisitc kind of feel in it. 
As London is famous for the Big Ben, its a must for touriisim to take a photo of this . What i like about his photo is that the London bus is also captured in this photo and also i fitlered it to make the photo once again to have the painting feel to bring out the textures of the building.
This photo is taken at the leicester square.
This photo is take at the Portobello Square which is near Nothing Hill  during staurday and it shows the guy here is playing with bubbles trying to sell this item.
I took this photo as i find his costume and the instrument his playing is interesting. I purposely over exposed this photo is because i want to make this guy stands out 
This was taken at the borough market a place where there're many food stalls located at. They were performing for the londoners and tourisim who were mucning on their delicious food that they had bought.


Street photography in London brings out the beauty and the culture of the city showing the daily activities of Londoners.
