Ramadan Social media - Tekeya

Sustainable Feasts: Tekeya's Eco-Friendly Ramadan & Eid Al-Fitr Social Media Campaign
Embark on a journey with Tekeya, the pioneering eco-conscious food delivery application, as we celebrate the spirit of Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr with a unique twist. In a world where sustainability meets gastronomy, Tekeya takes center stage in promoting mindful consumption and environmental stewardship.
From vibrant illustrations showcasing mouthwatering dishes sourced from local, organic ingredients to thought-provoking infographics highlighting the importance of reducing food waste, Tekeya's social media designs seamlessly blend creativity with consciousness.

Ramadan Social media - Tekeya

Ramadan Social media - Tekeya

Ramadan Social media - Tekeya Sustainable Feasts: Tekeya's Eco-Friendly Ramadan & Eid Al-Fitr Social Media Campaign Embark on a journey with Teke Read More
