Bounce Back
I created a bounce back out of plywood for my final project of CSC 235. Since I am a lacrosse player at Berry College, I wanted to make a project that would help me with my throwing consistency. As practice, we "hit the wall", which is throwing a ball at a brick wall and catching it when it bounces back to you. 
The goal is to hit the different targets while throwing a tennis ball or lacrosse ball at it. The target you should aim for is the lit up green. If the target, which in this project is a piezo knock sensor, is hit, the neopixels surrounding the outside of the box will light up green as well. There is a set number of targets you have to hit in order to finish the workout. When the number of reps is met, all of the neopixels begin "party mode", which is a RGB sweep. 
EasyEDA schematic of the Bounce Back project
This project has been meaningful to me, as I have struggled with consistently throwing good passes to teammates in practice. This will help solve a huge problem in my game.
Back of form prototype
Front of form prototype
Bounce Back

Bounce Back
