I’ve done re-draws of old art before, but it hit me recently that I’ve been drawing digitally for over 10 years now! DANG! That being said, why not re-draw my absolutely VERY FIRST piece of digital art that I’ve ever done? Well, here it is! 11 entire years later! 2012 vs 2023, Adventure Time fan art!

I was 17 when I drew the original fan art, and I know I was NOT very good back then (especially when compared to how other people drew at 17) but that's ok! I still had a lot of fun revisiting my first digital drawing! Who cares if it sucked, it was my first step into drawing digitally and I was really happy with it! Good times man, good times.

(Drawing (fan art) above © Allison Gajewski - 2012, 2023)
(Adventure Time © Cartoonetwork, Pendleton Ward - 2010-2018)
It's Re-Draw Time!

It's Re-Draw Time!
