Diseño de un set de muebles modulares creados bajo la metodología del Instituto de Biomímica, con la que se diseña en base al estudio de la naturaleza.
Design of a modular furniture set created under the Biomimicry Institute methodology, which studies nature. 
The set comes with 2 principal pieces, one that can be used as a side table and a stool. The form of both pieces allows the stool to be stored in the side table when it is not in use. 
The concept comes from the mimicry of nature: Inspired in the Bar-Tailed Godwit, which In order to provide itself with enough room to house huge amounts of fat before migrating from Alaska to New Zealand, the godwit absorbs up to 25 percent of the tissue comprising its liver, kidneys, and alimentary canal. Only when the bird completes its migration are these organs reformed in their entirety. This function was represented in the way the stool is stored or "absorbed" by the side table.
The concept comes from the mimicry of nature: Inspired by the fire ants that can assembled to  create a super organism. Grasping each other's mandibles or front legs with a force 400 times their body weight, the ants are able to trap small pockets of air between them like a group floatation device. The bottom layer of ants rests on top of the water's surface, and others pile on above them. This function was represented in the way the stools can be piled up one on top of another to create shelves, as well as the side tables. Also, the figure of the fire ants' body was geometrized to create the shape for the design of the furniture set.
Various examples of ways the users can create their own shelving system
Example of how several side tables can be piled up to divide spaces in lofts or huge apartments
Example of the side table and stools in use
Thanks for watching!


Set de muebles modulares inspirados en la naturaleza /Modular furniture set inspired by nature
