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Healthcorps - Social media & brand image strategy

Healthcorps a Self Care Story is a social media strategy developed for a non-profit organization in the United States. They wanted to increase their presence among young people and gain more sponsorship. To do this, they updated their social media image to attract a younger audience and developed a content strategy focused on self-care, which is a popular trend right now.

Within the first month, the number of followers increased by 20% and engagement doubled compared to previous posts. This success led to collaborations with sponsors, new companies, influencers, micro-influencers, and celebrities who all supported the organization's self-care mission. Together, they created content and donated products to increase the number of followers and position the brand as a self-care ally.

This strategy allowed Healthcorps to create more digital content and reduce production costs. They also captured the attention of more young people and maintained sponsor engagement. Through this strategy, Healthcorps was able to reach over 100,000 students across the United States through social media and online communications.

Author: Laura Lemus
Year: 2016 - 2017
Healthcorps - Social media & brand image strategy

Healthcorps - Social media & brand image strategy
