Tossed by coda - Logo design

Tossed by Coda
Logo presentation

The logo for our vegetables and fruits business features a beautifully illustrated, vibrant dish overflowing with a colorful assortment of fresh vegetables and fruits. The dish is a simple yet elegant. Featured prominently in the bowl is a cornucopia of wholesome, nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables.This inviting and eye-catching logo perfectly captures the essence of our business, reflecting our commitment to offering the freshest, highest-quality vegetables and fruits to our customers. The design conveys a sense of abundance, nourishment, and well-being, inviting people to experience the delicious and nutritious bounty of nature.
color : #5B9942 #F36F23
Typography : Aladin Regular


The designs in this portfolio, including the one you are viewing, are not affiliated with any specific business. I am able to customize it to fit your brand or create a brand new logo that will elevate the visual representation of your business and make it stand out.

Tossed by coda - Logo design


Tossed by coda - Logo design


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