Regardless of whether you shovel once a year, 6 months straight, or have a loved one who does, Shovelwax is worth learning about. Stop snow from sticking to your shovel with the first, all natural, wax-based formula made specifically for your snow shoveling needs.

Now on Kickstarter! Drop by, join the journey and be prepared for next winter!


It was deep into the Rocky Mountain winter of 2022/2023, and the end was nowhere in sight. Storm after storm brought in snow by the boatload, and the snowboarding and skiing was legendary. Snow removal was either a part time job, an compulsory gym membership, or a reason not to leave the house. 


On a day like any other, while complaining about shoveling-related fatigue and injuries caused by snow sticking to shovels, I was reminded that you can lubricate your shovel. My mind returned to the kitchen oils and shop lubricants we would apply to our childhood sleds, and the ski wax common in our ski town. But I wanted a wax solution that didn't include the toxic chemicals often found in ski wax.
In a flash, the words "Shovel Wax" came to mind. As soon as I got home that day, I got to work. The game was on! 

The Industrial Design Process:

I spent the following months undergoing extensive research, ergonomic refinement, sourcing, market analysis, and countless hours of testing numerous all-natural wax-based formulas, in conditions ranging from below -20 to well above freezing. Finally, a final formula was achieved in mid-March and the Shovelwax Brand wax pictured on Kickstarter was born! Differentiated from traditional ski waxes found on most ski surfaces, Shovelwax's formula is all natural, non-toxic and consists of only 4 types of wax (soy, candelilla, carnauba and bees) with a dash of graphite. Unlike our competitors' poisonous spray solutions, our product is non-toxic and in packaged with biodegradable and plantable seed paper.

Through the collaboration with my good friend Benn, the final ergonomic shape of Shovelwax bar was rendered and I was able to 3D-print the first prototype of a Shovelwax bar. It was the perfect shape for multiple grip options, while retaining structural integrity. With the assistance of a Formlabs 3D printer, I printed prototype molds to cast silicone and used these molds for pouring the first Shovelwax bars.

Testing wax mixes and dialing-in cure times while experimenting with molecular structure was a fun bit of science. With some material science background under my belt, I was able to roughly understand what each wax was contributing to the overall blend, and how each wax's attributes acted when ratios where adjusted. While I was able to find several blends that worked okay in most conditions, it was a challenge to find a blend that worked flawless in all conditions and  maintained structural integrity when applied to the shovel. After a series of breakthroughs, the final formula was discovered and a Shovelwax trade secret was born.  
The Product:

Are you tired of snow getting stuck on your shovel, wearing you out, and hurting your back when heavy snow chunks and ice try to take the whole shovel with it? Then look no further with Shovelwax- you'll be throwing snow like never before! Not only does Shovelwax help prevent snow from sticking to your shovel, it also allows it to glide off your blade and into those icy banks with minimal effort.

Just rub it on and get to work!


