Near-expired beer is transformed into a revitalizing spirit, bringing new life to local breweries.

An expiration crisis hit Bariloche, Argentina, during its long COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, jeopardizing the city's craft brewery industry and 42% of its employment. Patagonia Brewing Company stepped up as a leading employer, finding innovative ways to keep its business afloat and support the local community.
By collaborating with product, logistics, and marketing teams on the client side, a problem was distilled into a solution. The idea was to create Comunal, a unique gin made from beer barrels that would have otherwise expired. Craft breweries Konna, Lowther, and Van Titter joined forces to turn this vision into a reality. With a new product and brand, Comunal showcases the innovative spirit and collaborative nature behind its creation.
From waste to sales success, Comunal Gin was born, the first distillate made from Patagonia beers. The brand's initial stock of 12,000 units sold out in just one month, generating $1.65 million in sales on Craft Society's e-commerce site. This marks a 45% increase in sales compared to the platform's top-selling beer brand. Comunal also made a splash on social media with 19.6 million PR impressions and 98% positive sentiment during the same period.
Communal Imbibe

Communal Imbibe
