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Goodbye to Thrones, Oneshot

Written by Brazilian screenwriter Guilherme Martins. "Goodbye to Thrones" tells the story of Talhem, King, who after 19 years, returns to become what they call The Raven King of Gilead.

The comic is 100% drawn in ballpoint pen, with the idea of ​​conveying the aesthetic sense of drawings and engravings made in the Middle Ages.

Escrito pelo roteirista brasileiro Guilherme Martins. “Goodbye to Thrones” conta a história de Talhem, King, que após 19 anos, retorna para se tornar o que chamam de O Rei Corvo de Gilead.

A história em quadrinhos é 100% desenhada a caneta esferográfica, com a ideia de transmitir o sentido estético dos desenhos e gravuras feitos na Idade Média.
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Goodbye to Thrones, Oneshot


Goodbye to Thrones, Oneshot
