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Storks Etude - Playing with Photoshop

Trying Photoshop again, after some years (I don't think that Photoshop Express counts...), and exploring its features, I took two photos of storks shot by my brother and I made an "Etude", a study on where they would lead me to through multiple variations. Here's my route:

These are the two initial images:
I brought them together...:
...and spruced their looks up with a touch of oil painting:
Then, I played with the Lighting Effects:
More Lighting Effects Games led to this (rendered with Premiere Rush):
Afterwards, I tweaked some backgrounds...:
...some color transfer effects...:
...some color range play with highlights...: well as some style transfer effects...(of the Photoshop defaults, mostly impressionistic):
         Finally, the 3D effects were next (with another, random image as a background):
Now, I am standing at the finish line and thinking:
The End (?)
Storks Etude - Playing with Photoshop


Storks Etude - Playing with Photoshop
