In the recent years as technology has been a dominant character of all surroundings, understanding the In search for a model that helps develop a deep understanding about the link between physical action & coding a dancing robot stood as a good example.
 this project(dancing robot) inspired by ''OTTO dancing robot'' consists of a 3d printed parts and laser cutted 3mm ply wood, it is controlled by mobile phone GUI.
I started with a simple sketch my first idea was to make it a ninja robot but then that changed and make it a cute one with pink legs 
then its designing phase i downloaded the components mainly from grabcad and then designed all the body parts and mounted the components into it.
these are the body parts prepared to be fabricated the legs will be 3d printed and the other parts are dxf files ready to laser cut.
all the components and the parts needed to build a robot
circuit testing and returning the servo motors to there zero position before assembly
for more details about this project, assembly steps and even fabrication files check the project journal and showcase
Dancing Robot


Dancing Robot
