Day 93 of daily artworks of Deniz from Journey Industries
[meaning & technical explanation below]
Pouring my heart out moment, incoming. Today I took a walk to the seaside and realized something for the first time in my life. I am literally named after it. This is the most personal work I've done probably, because you will only be able to relate if you have the same name as me. I can think of one person already. The waves struggled to stand tall and hit the shores today, the wind was blowing from the mountains. You know the life with the waves, sometimes they rage, teach the pebbles along the coast a lesson, hit the cliffs with the back of their hands carving out new grounds to exist in, they are free. But these days the reverse winds are making them go backwards, crawl into their shell. All that to say, I've been feeling down lately in terms of motivation, hunger, and drive. Seeing my other half struggle in the same way relieved me in a strange way. Because I know that the day that my waves rage will come again soon. In the first 2 months of this year they flooded everywhere, didn't know no barriers, they caused deluges. I guess it's fine that they calmed down a little; although much to my disadvantage. Now what does all of this have to do with a patient in the middle of a lobotomy? I have a theory that the reason why my waves are reversing, my tides are shrinking, is that I have some leeches to block out. They are a part of me and I love them, but sometimes their voices get a little loud. I'm not crazy or anything, leeches are metaphors for some people obviously. As you can see in the operating screens, they suck out all the colour, motivation, energy out of my brain, knowingly or unknowingly; turning my brain into a green, barren mess. So the subject is the one being disheartened, and the surgeon is the one doing the disheartening. I'll take their medical licences away. No more reverse waves. 
Now for some technical mumbo-jumbo. I created this whole environment in Blender, in about 3 hours. Looked at some real hospital rooms to make it as realistic as possible, added a huge cube and made it into fog thanks to principled volume node, placed my objects patiently. No pun intended. Did everything by the book. The patient, doctor along with the graphics on the screens, the sign above are added on AE & PS. I added grain, dialed up the contrast, sharpened the whole thing then added fast blur on top of it; the result was this grainy retro look.



day 93 baby. I like this one.
