Animated Tab bar
The animated tab bar prototype is a dynamic and engaging user interface element that enhances the user experience of navigating through a digital application or website.
The tab bar is designed to be interactive and responsive, with eye-catching animations that guide the user's attention to the selected tab. It includes a variety of customizable features, including color schemes, font styles, and iconography, allowing designers to tailor the tab bar to fit the aesthetic of their project.

The prototype includes a range of different animation options, such as sliding, bouncing, and fading effects, providing designers with the flexibility to create a unique and memorable user experience. Additionally, the prototype is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring that the tab bar looks great and functions smoothly across all platforms.

Overall, the animated tab bar prototype is a cutting-edge design tool that enables designers to elevate the usability and aesthetics of their digital projects.
Animated Tab Bar


Animated Tab Bar
