Hard light is the termed that seemed appropriate to a form in which there is a conflict at the center which is that obviously light can’t be solid or hard. But one’s experience of these installations was to feel, it was as if it were, you feel you are invading something. To some degree there is kind of a performative element to these works which I have no control over because it depends on the interaction between the work and the visitor. Like a sculpture with no actual mass. Which we are not supposed to just see it, we make a sense of it with our body. I see the work existing between Cinema, Sculpture and Drawing. Sculptures because there are three dimensional forms that invite the spectator to move around them. Perhaps the most important thing that came to my realization that the work is completely invisible. It turns out that I was working with a material that I was completely unaware of. It’s what you would call dust. I was working in an old storeroom which had no access of natural light, and because I was projecting and the room was filled with dust and cigarette smoking there wasn’t any issue, but when I placed the work inside a clean atmosphere, the air was clean and there was no smoking the work simply didn’t exist.


