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Relationship Jungle Survival School

     Hello friends! Today, I would like to discuss how to maintain a sense of self in relationships. Each of us desires to have positive and fulfilling relationships, but sometimes we may lose our sense of self in the process. In this article, I will explain how to maintain a sense of self in relationships and preserve our individuality.

     One of the key factors that can help us maintain our individuality in relationships is assertiveness. This is the ability to express our thoughts and feelings without violating the rights of others or harming ourselves. Assertiveness enables us to establish boundaries and defend our interests without infringing on the rights and interests of our loved ones.

     However, not all relationships are smooth sailing. Sometimes issues arise, such as abuse or counterdependence, which can hinder our sense of self. Abuse is a form of psychological or physical violence from a partner who attempts to control your life. Counterdependence, on the other hand, is the excessive need for independence and the avoidance of intimacy and attachment. Counterdependent individuals try to avoid situations in which they would need to rely on others, do not want to be emotionally close to them, and convince themselves that they do not need anyone.

     To maintain a sense of self in relationships, it is essential to learn how to set boundaries and say "no" when necessary. If you feel that your rights are being violated, do not hesitate to talk to your partner about it and express your feelings. It is important to understand that relationships should be based on mutual respect and support.
Additionally, do not forget about your personal interests and hobbies. Make time for yourself to engage in activities that you enjoy and that bring you happiness. This will help you maintain your focus on yourself and avoid becoming overly independent or detached from your partner.
     Be confident in yourself and your decisions, and do not be afraid to assert your boundaries and stand up for yourself when necessary. It's important to trust yourself and your instincts, and to have faith in your abilities and judgment. Remember that you have the power to control your own life and make choices that are best for you.

     However, also keep in mind that asserting your boundaries and standing up for yourself does not mean being aggressive or disrespectful towards others. It's important to communicate your needs and expectations in a calm and respectful manner, while also being open to listening to others' perspectives.
In summary, be confident, trust yourself, and communicate your boundaries and expectations in a respectful manner. This will help you build healthy relationships and lead a fulfilling life.

     In conclusion, maintaining your individuality and self-determination in relationships is a complex and ongoing process. However, if you are aware of your needs and boundaries and strive for assertive behavior, you will have a better chance of preserving your individuality in relationships. Remember that relationships should be healthy and mutual, striking a balance between independence and dependence.
Relationship Jungle Survival School


Relationship Jungle Survival School


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