Brendan Howell's profile

Guardian/Observer - Supplements

Campaign backgrounds
The Guardian & Observer supplements were some of my first forays into digital advertising. The job was to promote the weekly supplements/DVD’s given away with the papers and increase email sign up for future publications. File sizes were very limited (banners 30k) and so it was the ideal time to learn how to do as much as possible, with every Kb, when considering actions and interactions. 

Whilst not perfect each execution shown here has something about it that I still like, I’ve explained above each what that is. Each one contains audio, except the DIY one, so switch your speakers on for full effect.
First World War
Learn to Play Piano
This interactive landing page was a big hit around the Guardian office. So much so they apparently had to ban people from playing it. The idea is simple: give people the opportunity to have a go at playing that classical masterpiece ‘chopsticks’ from the comfort of their own computer keyboard.
Guide to DIY
As you roll over different key points of this interactive cut-away of a house things are magically fixed and improved. Nothing like real life but quite satisfying all the same. I actually prefer the aesthetic of the banner, the reveals have a certain charm too.
The Sheltering Sky DVD
I’m not overly keen on the design of this page even though I like many elements within it. The scurrying scarab beetle and passport that turns into a video player are pretty fun. The heat haze effect in the banner is nice too. 
Guardian/Observer - Supplements

Guardian/Observer - Supplements

Display ads and interactive landing pages for newspaper supplements
