Hana Tokárová's profile

D&D Oneshot - Studio Portrait

D&D Oneshot - Studio Portrait
One of my final projects at Photograpy III course at Masaryk University was to create one individual photoshooting session for given theme. I chose one theme that I had in common with mine friends - that we play our Oneshot Dungeons & Dragons game. All of the photos were done by me for the final project, and all of the accompanying text was given to me by my friends.
The Universe does not play
dice with human lives...Oh
wait, this one does!
He is the main reason
this universe even exist at all!
Knixe is a mutant of a cat and a
human. He is a passionate punk rock
musician fighting against the system.
As a crew member of Lost Souls he
was assigned a position of a weapon
Nemo is charismatic man with a devilish
smile. He commands the Lost
Souls crew.
He's a man whose maniacal style will
convince anyone of anything.
Lottie is the pilot of the Lost Souls
spaceship. She has three mechanical
fingers, and takes a lot of painkillers.
Lottie studied astrology, but she didn't
finish her studies and instead, she
learned to hack.
Akio is closely related to the Lost
Souls crew as a boyfriend of shipcrew
medic Zoe. He is blind due to the electric
shock that happened to him.
His kindness and recklesness can get
him into various situations.
D&D Oneshot - Studio Portrait

D&D Oneshot - Studio Portrait
