The Nordic Lash

The Nordic Lash is a US-based brand selling magnetic eyelashes. The current website does not reflect a brand that customers can identify with. I lead the revamped their website and brand identity.

Logo Design
Brand Design
Packaging concept
Mobile Website

Create a trustworthy image for The Nordic Lash where women will not doubt its value when considering buying its products.

Mood board design
Logo Development - the really messy part
Social Media Designs
My contributions
— Provide a visual framework that will help the team develop more business under the brand
— Conceptualization for mood board & logo design studies
— User research, competitive benchmarking, and online survey to understand the users' behavior on the current website
— Rebranded the identity and mobile website to showcase the new persona we crafted
We highlighted the self-expression element where women will feel empowered to feel beautiful in their everyday life. Create a fresh, energetic brand that reflects women's desire to be young and feel young.
Creative Director: Jae Rosales-Lolo
Graphic Designer, UI/UX Designer, Video Editor: Jae Rosales-Lolo
Copywriter: Geraldine Illao
The Nordic Lash


The Nordic Lash
