October- November 2022

This project was created in Oct-Nov 2022 when me and my sister visited Austria. We spent several days in Wien and after that went to Salzburg to see the Alps. Salzburg is such a pretty town that allows you to visit locations by train or local buses without having your own car. Below I presented several locations that we visited on different days.
DAY 1: Gollinger Waterfall and Bluntausee lake 
The first location we planned to visit was Krimml waterfall but it was closed in Oct-Nov, so we decided to go to Gollinger waterfall. We took the train from Salzburg to Golling-Abtenau  (30min) and after hiking (40min-60min) near the beautiful Alps villages with cows, horses, and churches we were in place. 
The Gollinger waterfall has a beautiful small lake near it and you are also able to go up to view cascades from the top. The waterfall was much bigger than I expected, so I had a really good impression of it! This location was so easy to visit and did not take a lot of time, so we decided to check on the map if there are any other locations we could check out here in the neighborhood. And we found Bluntausee lake. We did a hike around this lake and took a lot of beautiful photos of the lake surrounded by mountains and trees reflected in its water. The water itself was so clear that we even could see fish there. So, enjoy the photos below!

DAY 2 - Rainy Hallstatt
The next location I want to mention is Austria's touristic classic – Hallstatt village. We went from Salzburg to Hallstatt station by train and after that by ferry got to the village itself. It was rainy weather, so some pictures have these “twilight vibes”. I wondered how many details this small village has: perfect houses, castles, the lake between mountains, boats, waterfalls, swans, and a lot of other stuff. You can not even believe that all these things could exist in one place!
We just walked through central streets and quay and tried to capture all its beauty but then, the weather changed and instead of fog that rose over the mountains we saw the sun - everything changed around us and played another bright colors.
In this place, I was trying to capture not only classic footage of ¬the village in front of the lake but more nature-like pictures of human near it. You could check the results of my ideas below 😊 

The last location I want to mention and where we spend most of our time is Salzburg. This beautiful town has a beautiful architecture which is perfectly combined with nature around it. I like this town a lot with all its castles, authentic hotels, gardens, cafeterias, and traditional Austrian cuisine. I could not imagine how beautiful it could be in snowing winter weather! But anyway, I enjoyed staying there even in Oct-Nov and just observing first Christmas market preparations. Hope you will find exciting photos here as well.
Austrian Alps

Austrian Alps


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