Tiger Tension
Living with a tiger parents
Tiger Tension is a double sided comic book that showcases what it's like living with a tiger parent, while simultaneously expressing one of the many reasons why parents would parent this way.

What exactly are tiger parents? The term came from Amy Chua’s book, ‘Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother’, where she compares and contrasts strict, authoritarian ‘Chinese parenting’ (aka tiger parenting) with the stereotypically permissive style of ‘Western parenting’. A tiger parent doesn’t necessarily need to be Chinese but is generally characterised by using psychological, behavioural and physical control with the goal of raising a high-achieving child. Many immigrant parents from more hierarchical cultures can relate to tiger parenting

This book is aimed at a younger audience but old enough to be able to relate to the comic book. They don't quite understand why their parents are acting this way and would like a starting point to relate or have an idea of the why.
Tiger Tension

Tiger Tension
