Maria Smith's profile

1.25" Button Designs

Vectored Pin Designs, this one is to celebrate the anniversary and revival of Sailor Moon!

Pins are now available in my etsy shop.
It's all a joke... I wanted to pay homage to one of my favorite graphic novels and films, so I created this button that's reminiscent of the one seen in The Watchmen franchise.

I had a lot of fun trying to make the blood look realistic, and I think I did a pretty good job.
Pins are now available in my etsy shop.
Everything must be made into buttons!
I had requests to make a matching inner senshi set, so here they are!

Inner Senshi In Space
5-1.25" buttons
My outer seshi pack came first because I really loved their individual weapons and I wanted to showcase them instead of their transformation wands.
Outer Senshi In Space
5-1.25" buttons
1.25" Button Designs

1.25" Button Designs

Various designs I have created using digital and traditional mediums for 1.25" buttons.
