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ROOMs x Mercedes-Benz《CNY of 2023》

ROOMs x Mercedes-Benz《Racing towards the surreal dream of Rabbit Year》
Editor: Candice Chen

ROOMs Studio继为梅赛德斯-奔驰制作了EQE的虚拟发布会后,又再度携手,于兔年开春之际合作贺岁短片《奔向兔年GOGOGO》。这支动画以90年代英文歌曲《Penguin’S Game》为灵感,用科幻浪漫的方式重塑记忆共鸣,以艺术之力编织过去与未来共存的奇观,走进纯粹想象力与现实交叠的梦境。

ROOMs Studio successfully collaborated with Mercedes-Benz on the EQE digital launch event. And afterwards, we created a Chinese New Year CG film called "Racing towards the Rabbit Year." Inspired by the 90s English song "Penguin's Game," the film takes a sci-fi romantic approach to explore the coexistence of the past and future, offering a unique perspective to viewers. It invites us on a journey into a realm where pure imagination and reality intersect, crafting a breathtaking spectacle of wonder that captivates the senses.

Chapter 1 - Structured Dreams 造梦场域


Initially, our architectural concept was based on the iconic old Shanghai city with oriental features and surrealistic design. Our town gradually evolved and upgraded with the collaborative efforts between Mercedes-Benz and Ogilvy. Unexpectedly exuding a warm feeling like "A foreign place, yet just the same, As if my heart had found its aim.” It can be reminiscent of familiar towns where we used to rush to buy New Year goods during childhood, or it can remind us of a Chinatown in a foreign land, savouring a steaming bowl of noodles.


Experienced the surreal coexistence, watched the flying lucky koi fish and a giant Chinese bunny in this retro-modern neighbourhood. Our team used cutting-edge techniques to create a mesmerising blend of past and future that transcends time itself.

Chapter 2 - Spiritual Dancing 闻乐起舞

走在记忆里熟悉的街道上,一群优雅的舞者从奔驰座乘中跃出,身着中式美学的西装闻乐起舞。为了呈现出卓越的艺术作品,柳迪导演邀请了音乐人Kambiz Aghdam编曲,舞蹈家谢欣编舞。舞团在绿幕前进行表演,我们以动作捕捉输出实时数据,利用最新的数字技术将数据转换为基础动画。而这些,只是繁复数字动画制作的开头,后续工作需要精密扎实的技术支持,和高质感出品的审美把控,而这一切都是ROOMs Studio自2017年便深耕之处。

Watched as graceful dancers emerge from a Benz Car in Chinese-style suits, performing an outstanding work of art. For resulting in a stunning visual display, the director Liudi invited the musician Kambiz Aghdam to compose the music and choreographer Xie Xin to design the dance moves. The dance troupe performed in front of a green screen, and we used motion capture to output real-time data, then converted it into basic animation by using cutting-edge digital technology. However, this is just the beginning of the complex digital animation production process. It requires precise technical support and meticulous aesthetic control, which ROOMs Studio has been dedicated to since 2017.

Chapter 3 - Philosophical Balance 平衡哲学

整个动画的镜头设定以“轻与重”的概念为主,以轻盈、灵动自由的感觉为核心,舞蹈家的优美舞姿被快速切换镜头捕捉,凸显了动画的“轻”;同时,传统春节的仪式感和奔驰品牌的稳重感则被设置为“重”。在丝滑运镜中流露出其野心与功底,这种灵动和稳健的对比营造出一种奇妙的视觉效果,为动画增添了别样的生命力。ROOMs Studio数字艺术家们的创作,不仅是对现实世界的一次重构,更是对未来世界的一次开创,通过作品向世界传达ROOMs对现实的理解和想象。

The lens setting of the animation is based on the concept of "lightness and heaviness”, with the feeling of agility and freedom as the core. Our camera settings capture the innovative, light movements of the dancers. While balancing this with the stable feeling of the Mercedes-Benz. The contrast between lightness and stability creates a unique vitality that will leave you spellbound. At ROOMs Studio, our digital artists create a new future world that conveys their imagination and understanding of reality.


《Mercedes-Benz: Racing towards the Rabbit Year 》
Presented by ROOMs Studio and Ogilvy Beijing
Director: Liu DiArt Director: Guo Shihao, Yuan Xi
CG Producer: Jiang Yige
CG Production: Guo Shihao, Yuan Xi, Zhu Hongshu, Chen Jiongxi, Chen Guoen,
 Gao Xiang, Wei Jialong, Lu Pei, Medina
VFX: Frivolouz
CG Producer: Liu Yang, Shen Yueyue
Choreography: Xie Xin Dance Troupe
Music Arrangement and Sound Design: Kambiz aghdam
Vocals: Zorina Andall
Music Production: Candice Chen
Production Company: Beijing Eye, ROOMs STUDIO

Chief Editor: Candice Chen
Layout Design: Liu Yakun
Making-of:Jiongxi Chen

ROOMs x Mercedes-Benz《CNY of 2023》


ROOMs x Mercedes-Benz《CNY of 2023》
