This first screenprint is a mock advertisment for one of my characters, a mercenary warlord.
Disney's animated rendition of Robin Hood was one of my favorite childhood movies, and I still love it, thanks to nostalgia. I felt the need to pay homage to it at some point, and this screenprint provided the perfect opportunity.
This print combines my love of fantasy with etching and aquatint. Mythological horses are one of the first subjects I ever drew, and I enjoy revisiting them every now and then, like with these pterippi. (one of my pet peeves is when a winged horse is referred to as "a pegaus." Pegasus is the name of a specific specific winged horse, while winged horses in general are technically called pterippi. That was all free. You're welcome.)
I really love the winter, especially in the snowy mountains of Colorado. I have some great memories of looking down at perfectly smooth slopes from a ski lift and admiring the way light moves and reflects off of snow. The forms are so smooth and liquid, I had to try capturing them with this aquatint.


I really enjoy taking my illustrations from the digital world and seeing what happens when I use different media, like the prints you see here.
