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Digital experience of "Wildlife on the Brink"

Wildlife on the Brink: From Static to Dynamic

How do you turn a static infographic into a dynamic visual story that can be shared online? One way that I've found to work quite well is to convert sections of the infographic into individual frames, which can subsequently be knit together. The high-fidelity Figma prototype can be viewed above.

To enrich some of the information from the original infographic, you might also consider adding relevant photographs in the background. This can help your audience relate to the information being displayed, whilst also adding some more visual assets. I chose to work with a gradient on top of the photographs to preserve sufficient "white space". Various interactive elements, such as sequentially appearing text and graphics, as well as interactive maps, have been added to facilitate user engagement

The end includes a link to a petition supporting the signing of a 30x30 treaty, which would require states to protect 30% of land and marine territories. This link has since expired, but I am glad to share the news that this treaty has been signed by world leaders. This is a major win for global biodiversity, even if the path to protecting 30% of the world's land and oceans remains a long and dotted with (political and economic) obstacles.

Note: When viewing the prototype, select "fit to screen" for the best experience.
Digital experience of "Wildlife on the Brink"