An interactive table at a bar connected to your credit card and Uber account would allow people to feel safer and more relaxed at a night club.

“I never bring a lot of stuff (to the club). Some cash in my bra or sometimes in my shoes.”
“I would pay with a card if i wasn’t worried I would lose it and if it wasn’t such a hassle to pay with”
“I drink until I feel good but sometimes that gets me in trouble”
“Depending on the night and the group it could be a few liquor drinks or it could be a couple of shots - we usually end up pretty wasted.”
“...I usually just take a taxi or sleep at a friends place that’s close by. I live far away from most of the good clubs.”
“(I leave with) a designated driver, or my own car if I'm the DD. Very rarely I'll take a taxi because they can be a pain to flag down.”

Major Takeaways
People prefer not to carry many things with them to the club.
Paying for drinks at the club’s bar isn’t as easy as it could be.
Guests leave the club with a designated driver or taxi
but sometimes arranging a ride is difficult.

Silex Lounge system of order and payment. A touchscreen bar surface connect orders, tabs and payment.
Moodboard and styles
Silex Lounge

Silex Lounge

Interface for a interactive bar point of sale. Silex lounge is a place where you go without any complication. Leave your cellphone and your walle Read More
